ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Hva? Nú er ég bara kominn með gestabók !! Heldur betur, hvað heldur þú ?!!! So let's put on our classics and we'll have a little dance, shall we?

shi......le bla? vi vi, Jaques? en toi? Aaaa.................... Jaques le Ripper.

"What's the matter, you got some sand in your vagina?"

¿Él tomó la empanada? ¿No? ¿Tan cómo está conseguido la empanada? ¡cNecesito La EMPANADA!!!!

A-t-il pris le pâté en tarte? Non? Ainsi comment obtenu le pâté en tarte? J'AI BESOIN De PÂTÉ EN TARTE!!!!

Ha preso la torta? No? Così come ottenuto la torta? HO BISOGNO Della TORTA!!!!



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