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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

hat scratch fever

You and your cat are about to teach each to other some valuable lessons.

Lesson 1-Scratching is a natural behavior for cats.

This isn't exactly a revelation, since you probably have the evidence everywhere

Though Kitty's natural propensity for scratching may not be big news, it is a fact that you'll need to take into account if you're to make any headway in winning the battle to keep her from scratching things you consider undesirable.

Lesson 2- You can't keep your cat from scratching.


Bear in mind Mark Twain's advice, which applies universally: Never try to teach a pig to sing; it frustrates you and annoys the pig. Translate this bit of wisdom to your dealings with cats.

You can't make a cat do anything she doesn't want to do. Get clear on that. And getting her to stop something she enjoys is just about as difficult. Therefore you have to think smart and re-channel her desires.

Lesson 3- Why do cats scratch?

Understanding your cat's need to scratch is more than just an act of charitabilty on your part. It's the key to channeling Kitty's efforts to more acceptable areas.

Marking their territory

Scratching is a territorial instinct by which cats place their mark and establish their turf. Through scratching, cats mark their domains. Cat's paws also have scent glands that leave their own special scent on their territory.

"pew, smells it, pew,pew"


Scratching also serves to keep your cat in shape. The act of scratching stretches and pulls and works the muscles of a cat's front quarters-
-a cross between a feline gym workout and Kitty Yoga.

"no, you can not enter feline gym..... it is metaphor"

Sheer loveliness!!!

Hey! It feels good to scratch.
So give up the idea of reforming Kitty's desire to scratch.
Rechannel her into scratching what you want her to.
You'll both be happier.

Lesson 4- Provide your cat with an appropriate scratch material.

Never make the mistake of trying to "show her how" to scratch anything. You'll only offend her. She knows pefectly well how to do it. She just reserves the right to scratch when and where it suits her. But suggesting a little Peter, Bjorn and John is a good place to start.


Blogger Styrmir Hansson said...


1:54 PM


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