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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

People like Grimes, apparently. They should.

Grimes’ Claire Boucher, a small woman with massive range, standing behind a series of keyboards, samplers and drum machines. Boucher cooed into a mic and manipulated her vocals as she went along, triggering each new element of her songs at will. It was difficult to know where her voice ended and the electronic gear took over, as her voice blended in with her expansive music. Despite pausing several times to ask the audience if the sound was all right, Boucher kept the momentum up throughout her set and certainly won over many in the crowd through her cute, diminutive personality, including me. I met up with her after the concert in Brooklyn.

*Intimate handshake*
Sty: This was special, you should visit us in Iceland during next Airwaves.
CB: Iceland, that´s so cuuute!
Sty: I was blown away by your confidence on stage...
CB: Yeah, I’m pretty confident, if the sound is good. I don’t really trust sound guys. I try as often as possible to get Sebastian, who runs my record label, to do sound because he’s really good at it and he knows my set-up really well.
CB: (Laughs) It’s kind of intense right now, though.
Sty: You could deff need some help, you have so much going on at the same time. I saw you lean over and press buttons on the equipment with the same hand that you’re holding the microphone with.
CB: Well, I kind of want a guy that could do all that shit, but I like seeing shows where the person is doing everything, because I feel like as soon you add more performers people start to assume something different.

At that moment next band stepped on stage and started, we made eye contact and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and took off...

Grimes - Vanessa Montreal/Canada


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