ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

10 days off.

I tend to use this short vacation to compose my apartment and light some candles if Lykke Li suddenly decided to appear at my door steps. I might even buy a extra cozy cushion that is big enough for the two of us to sit on the hardwood floor. Maybe we can read each other some lullaby poems about flowers. And with the safety at the highest scale at that moment we might even spark into a dance.

Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance

However, she´s sweeeeeeeeedish. So that won´t come as a surprise that she is extremely good looking, plays music, and have lots of coolishness. Damn you Sweden! Why is it that everything that you do works perfectly?!
That brings us to:
Beck Hanson - Timebomb. I´m only hyping this because after I saw the video, every time that I listen to the song, it gets me all stressed up! Like now, I am indeed listening to it, and the pressure is building up on me to finish this sentence and this blog post before the song ends, otherwise my laptop will blow up! Thanks Einar, tis indeed tip of the hat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what vid?... with hamsters? and cat?... what is from beck and what is from persons without hats?

4:25 PM

Blogger Styrmir Hansson said...

Tis not from Beck el vídéo con hamsters? They look quite Beckish. Tis was panicamatic!

7:39 PM


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