ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Oprah's ex-boyfriend Randolph Cook has esophageal cancer and is dying so he decided to write a tell-all where he claims The Big O did a little crack in the 80s.

In his book The Wizard of O: My Life With Oprah, Randolph said he did coke with Oprah while having vaginal intercourse with her in 1984. Oprah admitted on her show to doing coke when she was in her 20s in the 1970s. She blamed it on her obsession with a hunky guy.

But Randolph told The National Enquirer Oprah taught him how to smoke crack and the two freebased together for about six-months. He also said Oprah was still doing crack while doing her show. He writes, "Americans have placed Oprah on a pedestal that has been seemingly invincible until now."

+ ---- +

"i sometimes enjoy a glass of fine wine"

Calcinha é uma roupa íntima feminina constituída por uma espécie de shorts curto, ajustada ao corpo da mulher e feita na maior parte das vezes de tecidos macios e delicados, como o algodão, por exemplo.

Electrika - Sem Calcinha Ela Ja Ta (BSBTRGDCLUB remix) dancy!
dance safe:

!silly elect-obama-jocks: why no mention of the hat in conduct proper?!?!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ég var algerlega ófær um að klára, eða komast langt, í myndbandinu með afrískuameríkönunum tveim.

Þetta sjitt getur fokkað manni upp á mánudagsmorgni.

12:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

vertu sterkur... þú getur þetta ef þú trúir á sjálfan þig.

3:58 PM

Blogger Styrmir Hansson said...

FULL AWARENESS! RESPECTABLE PRINCIPAL! ...Randolph reminds me of this: but with HUMANS!

9:54 PM

Blogger Styrmir Hansson said...

On second thought, this is way sicker than the psycho-cats, but with an unique approach and absurdness. No hat?

10:15 PM


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