ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hattish safe dance Balkan festival 2k9downcount

9 day to:


today phrase:
"To Your Health! / Cheers!" :   Na Zdrowie! 


today listen:

Shaped in the Gypsy ghettos around Bucharest, Mahala Rai Banda ("Noble Band from the Ghetto"), gravitates around two poles, a family core of retired soldiers originally from Moldavia.

The first are the sons of the generation that left the little village of Clejan to settle down in the ghettos on the outskirts of Bucharest,grandsons of the late Neacsu. The are between 20 and 25 years old who have grown up playing music and having avoided the pitfalls of drugs and gangs, make a living by playing at Romanians' weddings. Living on the outskirts of a city they have been doused in modern culture which gives their otherwise traditional repertoire a pop twist.

The second, Gypsy as well but from Moldavia (near the Ukraine), have been in the army all their lives, enrolled at the age of 14. Even though in Communist times technically everybody was a comrade, an equal, in reality things were quite different. A darker tone of skin due most likely to a Gypsy heritage was enough for a quick association to be made, sending these youngsters into the seemingly futureless musical ranks

Mahala Raï Banda Vs Forty Thieves Orkestar: "The Man Who Drinks"



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