everyone loves animal
Hallucinogenic drugs were tested on a wide range of animal species in the 20th century; scientists extensively explored animals' physiological and behavioral reactions to LSD in particular. Under the influence of LSD, cats, for example, reportedly lose their fear of dogs, bat at the air, and salivate excessively. One LSD-affected baboon or
chimpanzee in a group of unaffected animals creates havoc by disregarding the hierarchies of the group. LSD induces lethargy in hornets.5 Dolphins become docile and regularize their vocal output at a steady cycle.6 This last effect may be connected to the finding that affected
rats climb a hanging rope at predictable intervals where unaffected rats spontaneously climb.7 In their study of goats on LSD, Werner P. Koella, Roger F. Beaulieu, and John R. Bergen found that drugged goats walk in predictable geometric patterns, including squares, figure-L's, and figure-8's. A goat
repeatedly induced will always be inclined toward the same pattern.8

5 — Peter N. Witt, "Effects on Insects and Lower Organisms," in D. V. Siva Sanka, ed., LSD: A Total Study (Westbury, New York: PJD Publications, 1975).
6 — John C. Lilly, "Dolphin-Human Relation and LSD 25," in Harold A. Abramson, ed., The Use of LSD in Psychotheraphy and Alcoholism (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1967).
7 — LSD: A Total Study, op. cit., p. 467.
8 — Werner. P. Koella, Roge F. Beaulieu, &John R. Bergen, "Stereotyped Behavior and Cyclic Changes in Response Produced by LSD in Goats," inInternational Journal of Neuropharmacology, no. 3 (1964), pp. 397-403.
6 — John C. Lilly, "Dolphin-Human Relation and LSD 25," in Harold A. Abramson, ed., The Use of LSD in Psychotheraphy and Alcoholism (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1967).
7 — LSD: A Total Study, op. cit., p. 467.
8 — Werner. P. Koella, Roge F. Beaulieu, &John R. Bergen, "Stereotyped Behavior and Cyclic Changes in Response Produced by LSD in Goats," inInternational Journal of Neuropharmacology, no. 3 (1964), pp. 397-403.
The New Gay Zack: Your band makes songs that could be considered stoner music. How do you feel about this?
Brian Weitz of Animal Collective: The way people listen to my music is up to them, if they're enjoying it that way, good for them. It can be a bummer to be labeled as a drug band, if we become associated with that people think we're on a lot more drugs than we actually are. When you get stuck with that label it bums my parents out. I hope my music appeals to people that aren't on drugs as well.
The New Gay Zack: Pardon me for asking, but what are or were your favorite bands to get high to?
Brian Weitz of Animal Collective I was a very together kid, I wasn't a total burnout, I got into a decent college [Columbia] and got good grades and everything. But we were really into Pink Floyd, The Dead, Pavement, Sun City Girls, Silver Apples, and a lot of European psychedelic music from the late sixties and early seventies
Animal Collective:
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