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Saturday, November 09, 2002

Colombia, long the world's murder capital due to drug-related deaths, now has violence spreading to farm animals. RCN Radio reported that a Holstein cow stepped on the trigger of a loaded rifle left in a field by a farm laborer, and shot another cow in the head. The injured cow is listed in critical condition at a nearby veterinary hospital.

A cow jumped off a 10 meter cliff onto a major highway just as a commuter bus was passing. The driver braked at the last moment, thus avoiding the cow. The said bovine landed on the asphalt, did a parachutist roll, got up and continued running. The stunned passengers got out of the bus and watched the cow canter into the sunset.
This is apparently not an isolated incident. The road passes by unfenced grazing land, and cows striving for freedom have made the leap several times.


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