ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Woody Allen vs. Dov Charney.

Woody Allen hefur ákveðið að höfða mál gegn American Apparel fyrir að birta mynd af honum á auglýsingaskilti á vegum fyrirtækisins án vilyrðis herra Allen. Herra Allen óskar eftir skaðabótum að andvirði $10.000.000, eða 766.700.000 íslenskar krónur. Hér er svo stefnan.

Þetta er hin alræmda auglýsing í Montreal og NB við Allen götu.

Auglýsingin var tekin niður vegna athyglinnar sem hún fékk og sögðu forsvarsmenn fyrirtækisins að Allen væri andlegur leiðtogi þeirra við hönnun og framsetningu á vörum þeirra. Enda þykja þær ansi djarfar.

American Apparel (APP) er á AMEX hlutabréfamarkaðnum í NY. Ég er með langtímastöðu í félaginu. Ég stefni á að bæta við mig hlutum ef gengið fer niður fyrir $8.80. APP rekur 184 verslanir í 13 löndum samkvæmt nýjasta ársfjórðungsuppgjöri fyrirtækisins.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Crystal Castles - Love and Caring
Crystal Castles - Mother Knows Best

það er
Alls ekki vitlaust að hlusta fyrst á LOVE AND CARING og svo strax á MOTHER KNOWS BEST vegna þeirrar einföldu staðreyndar að seinna lagið vinnur sig skemmtilega inn í fyrra lagið.

The Blue Ribbon Glee Club - Waiting Room (Fugazi Cover)

Bitchee Bitchee Ya Ya ya - Fuck friend (Yuksek & Brodinski remix)

Yuksek - Dirty Little Trip

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Robotique épidémie .

I am very awear of the hidden dangers of our earth wide webzone. The existancé of the threat is powerful and most likely not doing us any favoursé. (Yes, I am of coursé trying to spread the word of this world epidemic to our linguistically handicapped friends from France). What threat you may ask? Here are few examples, HOWEVER, I strongly suggest that you but your finest hat on for protection in casé of overwhelmingly high-rated exposure of robotic dancing ill-equipped:

Something trying to dance properly. I remind you, tis not. This behavior is in my opinion (not onion you stupid french person) only rewarded by the act of hanging.

I hereby declare a war on this blog page/space networking thing!

If you have this hell hole open for too long you might get THE aids. WHY!!! HOW!!! WHO!!! WHAT!!! Only if I had a nuke, in case of all mankind, human-kind.

I ask, can we be saved? Is there anyone out there who can save us from this, this, THIS!!! (below)

Unfortunately, we do have some casualties. I am not going to post pictures straight to my blog of them, since they are only for the cold hearted.

Robot eating a boy "1" "2". In those pictures tis clearly noticeable that people are scared and trying to stand not to close to the victims, minding that this can be highly infectious from a single touching of human flesh.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008