ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Í föstudagskastljósi er alltaf allt á "léttu nótunum," þannig að ætli ég verði ekki að fylgja í fótsporin...

Tveir fumkvöðlar, risar, í menningu þessarar og síðustu aldar.

Risi nr. 1

Risi nr. 2

Hvorugur þessara línka er ofbeldisfullur eða klámfenginn: Í raun eru þeir báðir beinlínis fjölskylduvænir.

Það er hins vegar ekki föstudagshugleiðing jakkafataklædds kunningja míns:

"On Fridays I have a rich tendency to mutter, shout or say the word cunt repeatedly. I like the sound of it, the way it bursts out of the mouth, explodes off the tongue. I also like the intertextuality of the word, the playfulness of it, how it rhymes with runt or blunt, as in blunt instrument. If you are feeling adventureous (as, after all, it´s the weekend) you can lash it into a combo, like your cunt will runt from my blunt instrument. For the finishing touch you should wait for just a second after hitting her with your combo and then, in a final and stern tone say: Bitch."


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