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Friday, July 14, 2006


1. Do not try to make a killing, but, instead, follow an approach
designed to generate above-average returns over the long term.

2. Never plan to buy at the bottom or sell at the top. Instead,
plan to buy on those occasions when the reward/risk ratio is high
and to not buy, or to sell, on those occasions when it is low.

3. Take some money off the table during periods of extreme strength
so you won't feel pressured to sell during the periodic shakeouts

4. Do some buying during the shakeouts that periodically occur in
long-term bull markets.

5. Never make whole-scale buy or sell decisions. Instead, scale
into positions during weakness and scale out during strength.

Og hananú.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mundu líka að fara snemma að sofa, drekka ekki of mikið kaffi, borða hollt, stunda líkamsrækt, rækta sambönd þín við vini og ættingja og vera ekki of mikill rasisti....

1:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ekki setja öll eggin þín í sömu körfu. ekki sækja vatnið yfir lækinn. betra er einn fugl í hendi en tveir 82) í skógi. Flas er ekki til fagnaðar. Ekki bera vatn í bakkafullan lækinn. Ekki er kálið sopið þó í ausuna sé komið...

1:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vidjóið sem ég var að tala um. Efsti vídjókassinn.
Transform and roll out!

4:12 PM


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