ATTENTION: Your security is our aim. With or without hats, we try to make our readers feel welcome. From the mists of downtown Reykjavik we hype tunes that can make our society a safer place.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

"I think we should make the law very simple. You commit a violent crime and take someone's life, you will be killed in exactly the same manner as you killed your victim. We will hold the execution in a big stadium, and broadcast it on live TV or even better on Pay Per View. It will give you the fame and notoriety you were seeking, it will show other wannabe criminals what fate awaits them if they kill others and that would reduce crime in a big way. Lastly, the revenues from the TV broadcast or pay per view will go as restitution to the families of the victims. THAT, my friends, will be real justice". -Imran Anwar.
en hvað með einn °°síngúl°°. Ef þú getur ekki fundið Þjóðverjan í sjálfum þér á meðan þessu stendur þá ertu tæpast... þjóðverji? Hinsvegar á ég auðvelt með að sjá Gautch tryllast yfir svona löguðu. Samt kæmist hann aldrei í sama trylling og þessi ágæti herramaður hér að neðan, hann er gríðarlega einbeittur og er að fylla rækilega í rúnkminnið.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ofboðslega ósmekkleg færsla á flestan...nei bíddu, allan hátt.


9:45 AM


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